Over Thirty Softball League Rules
Last revision: February 2020
- Players must be 30 years old before the end of the calendar year. In addition, each team is allowed two (2) players on the roster who are 28 years old, or will turn 28 by September 1 of that year.
- Each player shall play at her own risk. All jewelry must be removed or taped over for the safety of all players, in accordance with ASA rules.
- All catchers should wear a catcher's mask as a safety precaution.
- All players must play at least two (2) innings in the field.
- Late arrivals may be added to the lineup as long as they play at least two (2) innings in the field. They will be added to the bottom of the batting order.
- If for any reason a player must leave before the game is over, her spot in the batting order will be skipped and no penalty will be assessed, but she must play at least two (2) innings in the field.
- A game may be started with seven (7) players.
- No player (other than the pitcher) may be replaced or moved to another position during an inning unless injured or moved as a result of changing pitchers.
- There may be no more than two (2) pitchers per inning.
- Rosters must be turned in before the start of the first game. Each team may add players to their roster if it is done before the fifth game of the season. No additions to the roster will be allowed after the fifth game.
- Please include all birth dates on the roster that you mail to the League Commissioner. Players must have their driver's licenses available in case of a challenge.
- If a team's entry fee is late, the team will forfeit every game until the League Commissioner receives the entry fee.
Courtesy Runners
- An injured player may have a courtesy runner one time per game. If the injured player cannot run her next time up to bat, at that point she will be out of the game. Her spot in the batting order will be skipped and no penalty will be assessed.
- Each manager may designate three (3) players on their team to "be in need" of a courtesy runner. The player in need of the courtesy runner does not have to be injured. A courtesy runner may be used for any reason. Once a player has been designated as in need of a courtesy runner, she is one of the players who shall receive a courtesy runner in that game under this rule. The player does not have to use the courtesy runner every time at bat, but the player(s) "in need" cannot be changed after the start of the game.
- The player to act as the courtesy runner shall be determined as follows:
- The courtesy runner shall be the person who made the previous out. If there are no outs in the inning, the player who made the last out of the previous inning shall be the runner.
- First Inning Situation Only: If a courtesy runner is used in the first inning before an out is made, the runner shall be the last batter in the lineup or the player who scored the last run.
- If more than one courtesy runner is needed in the same inning and the person who made the last out is already on base as a courtesy runner, the person who made the out prior to the last out becomes the new courtesy runner. As in (a) above, this may be an out in the previous inning if necessary.
- Courtesy Runner On Base and Due Up To Bat: If a situation arises in which the courtesy runner is on base and due up to bat at the same time, the courtesy runner shall be declared "out" as a base runner and will be next up to bat.
Playing Conditions and Equipment
- The home team is responsible to make sure that the field is in safe playing condition at the start of the game. All efforts must be made to eliminate standing water, stake down bases, ensure that the baselines and pitching distances are correct and clearly marked, etc. Fair/foul lines should be marked with lines, poles or cones for a reasonable distance past first and third base.
- Ball size will be 12" circumference. A representative of the league will purchase blue dot (or equivalent) yellow softballs for all the league games to insure uniformity and to get a volume discount. All teams must purchase their softballs from the league at the mandatory spring managers meeting.
- Baselines will be 60 ft. Pitching distance is 46 ft. Pitching arc shall be from 6-10 feet high.
- There will be a double first base. The second first base is orange and located outside the baseline, next to the regular first base. On a batted ball where there will be a play at first base, runners must tag the orange base, while the baseman uses the regular base to reduce the occurrence of collisions between the runner and the first baseman. On extra base hits or plays where the batter rounds first base, the runner may use the regular base.
- A "scoring line" will be used instead of having runners tag home plate, in effect, making all plays at home "force outs".
- The scoring line will be drawn perpendicular to the third baseline, from the point of home plate closest to third base to the backstop (see the diagram below). Runs are scored when the base runner touches the scoring line or the ground past the scoring line.
- A "commitment line" will be drawn perpendicular to the third baseline, 20 feet from the point of home plate. (See the diagram below.) Once a player touches the commitment line or the ground past the commitment line, she cannot go back to third base except on a foul ball that is not caught.
- If a runner leaves third base and touches the commitment line or the ground past the commitment line on a fly ball that is caught, the runner is automatically out. This is because the runner is required to go back and "tag up" before advancing on a caught fly ball, but after touching the commitment line or the ground past the commitment line she cannot go back.
- If there is an attempt by the defensive team to tag the runner when she is between the commitment line and the scoring line, the runner is automatically safe. Once a runner has touched the commitment line or the ground past the commitment line, defensive players can only put the runner out by touching home plate while in possession of the ball.
- The runner may not touch home plate or she will be called out.
- If the catcher touches the plate, with the ball in her possession, before the runner crosses the scoring line, the runner is out. The runner must run in foul territory and runners who touch the plate will be called out.
- A team may score no more than 5 runs in the first inning of the game.
- A team may score no more than the difference at the start of the inning + five additional runs per inning in innings 2 through 6. In the 7th inning, either team may score any amount of runs.
- Mercy Rule - fifteen (15) run deficit, or more, after the team that is behind has batted in the fifth inning.
Protests, Cancellations and Other Rules
- All other rules will be in accordance with A.S.A. and its sanctioned umpires.
- Umpires will be paid the agreed-upon amount from each team per game whenever the umpire has shown up for the game.
- Rain-outs and other make-up games will be made up during the course of the season on a date mutually agreed upon by both managers. If a game is not made up by the last day of the regular season, and affects the standings, it will be decided by a coin toss. If it does not affect the standing of either team, the win/loss records of both teams will stand without this game.
- Violations of these league rules will be discussed first by the team managers, then by the umpire. If the rule violation cannot be resolved by the managers and/or the umpire, the team violating the league rule will forfeit the game.
- A protest fee of $10.00 will be charged for any protest that is logged for a rule violation and it must be logged before the next game. The fee will go to the league general fund.
- In case of cancellations due to inclement weather, please call the League Commissioner and the opposing coach before 5:00 p.m. so umpires and opposing players can be notified.
- Any player, coach or manager who is ejected from a regular season game or a playoff game by an umpire will also be suspended for one additional game. The team will also pay a $50.00 fine to the league's general fund.
- In case of a tie at the end of regulation play, the game shall continue until one team has scored more runs at the end of a complete inning or darkness prevents further play.
League Standings
- League standings and playoff berths, if any, will be determined by the regular season record (most wins, then fewest losses). Ties will be broken by comparing the teams on the following criteria until a winner is determined:
- head-to-head record
- head-to-head runs given up
- head-to-head runs scored
- total runs given up
- total runs scored
- coin toss
- Playoff format, if any, will be determined at the spring manager's meeting. If playoffs are included at the end of the season, the following shall apply:
- The final playoff game will be on a neutral, lighted field. The league will pay associated costs.
- An extra umpire will be hired by the league for the final playoff game.
- When using a double elimination format with an "if necessary" game, a coin toss will determine the home team for that game rather than regular season record.
- Playoff pairings for the first round will be based on regular season finish.